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«Gold of Kamchatka» Group strictly follows the anti-corruption laws of the Russian Federation. The company aspires for the best transparency of its procurement procedures.

Definition of corruption

The Russian legislation, namely article 1 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of 25.12.2008 "On Anti-Corruption Enforcement", gives the following definition:

a) abuse of position, giving or acceptance of bribe, misuse of powers, trading in influence or any other illegal use by a person of his/her office in contradiction to the legal interests of the public and/or the state for the purpose of gaining benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or monetized service, and/or other valuable rights for himself/herself, or illegal provision of such benefits to such person by others;

b) any of the wrongdoings listed in subclause 'a' above on behalf or in the interest of a legal entity.

If you are aware of:

  • Any impending or committed facts of corruption, larceny or fraud
  • Any violations in purchasing procedures
  • Abuse of position or excess of powers by any officers of the company
  • Commitment of any other actions that could cause or have caused tangible damage to the company

Please report to 24/7 telephone number:
+7-984-164-38-22 or fill in the electronic form.

All inputs are accepted directly by the security service and investigated without exception. The facts you have reported will be subjected to independent investigation, while your anonymity is guaranteed.

Please report using the electronic form.