"Gold of Kamchatka" representative took the third place at the Ecologist of the Year competition
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Sustainable development is the priority target set for the company management by its shareholder. Since 2011, the company has entered an active stage of growth of its performance and, as a consequence, capitalization. The management pursues a long-range program of growing output and resource base of the operating enterprises.
The company sees social responsibility among the most important facets of its activity in the region. We not only make a substantial contribution to Kamchatka economy development but also aspire to build trustful relationship with local residents.
Environmental compliance is the basic principle of all «Gold of Kamchatka» enterprises. Developing the mineral resources in the area, we strive to keep and replenish its natural wealth.
tons of gold
produced in 2017
Over 700 thousand tons of ore processed in 2017
C1+C2 reserves: about 150 tons of goldP1+P2 resources: about 200 tons of gold
Over 1 bn rubles will be invested into exploration in 2018
9 licenses for development of 11 deposits
Over 400 tons resource base
About 30 tons of gold
produced by the company in the region
75 tons of gold is the mineral resource base increment
Over 5,000,000,000 rubles of tax paid to federal and regional budgets
2000 jobs created in Kamchatsky Krai
54.5 bn rubles of additional gross regional product
9th place
taken by Kamchatsky Krai among the largest gold mining regions
300,000,000 rubles
spent for social and environmental projects
3,000,000 juvenile salmon fishes released into water bodies of the territory
1 bn rublesspent for disposal and safe conservation of industrial waste
Over 20 programs implementedin environmental education and awareness training
ecological motor rallies across Kamchatka
10+ times official sponsor of Beringia race